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Image by Tyler Nix

Church Directory Services

Having a church member directory is like having a family photo album. It is a great way to connect with each other and to use as a reference for communication. Why has it been so long since your church updated a directory? Too much work? Unsure where to start? 


That is where I come in. I have experience organizing and capturing high quality images to make it easy for your congregation to truly get to know each other. Plus, families, couples and individuals will have the chance to have portrait photos to use themselves. 

Below are service aspects you can expect when working with me on your church directory project.


Putting a face to a name is critical for forming relationships. I offer photography services for your congregation. Individuals or families are able to purchase images directly for personal use.

Open Communication

I will handle to coordination of member photography and contact updates. You will be in the loop on progress and project status throughout the process.

Member Data Update

Has it been a while since you updated your membership lists? This is a great time for some housekeeping when it comes to membership files. I will help ensure your data is updated.

Convenient Scheduling

Times for photos will be set up at convenient times for your church members. I will work with members to schedule appointments to keep progress of project timely.

Physical Directory

The traditional option, a printed directory is user friendly and easy to distribute to members. Based on congregation size we can develop a plan to meet the number of books needed for your church. 

Digital Directory 

There are options to move away from printed directories to digital ones. I will work with you to establish a digital directory. Training for your administrators to maintain updates in the future.

Let's discuss your needs.

As you consider emmbarking on updating your church directory I'm happy to discuss goals and special requirements. I'd love to meet with your decision makers to chat about how I may serve your organization.


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