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My Experience

Creative. Professional. Detail-Oriented.

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I have been creating videos since 2007. I also have a history of working in the wedding industry. I am motivated to tell stories through capturing moments and turning them into videos. So, it made sense to combine my years' worth of a professional video production with my passion for love. My goal is to use my talent to showcase the real emotion behind each event in an artistic and appealing way.


With my experience and the positive feedback, I’ve received from past projects, I’m confident that I’ll do an excellent job covering your next event. I truly enjoy working with people and find the human aspect inspirational and vital for storytelling. Let's chat to see what I can do for you to capture the heart of your next event.

Church Pews

A threefold cord is not quickly broken.

When I started down the path to wedding videography, I set a goal to not only capture the special moments as couples make their vows but also honor God through my work. In my own wedding we incorporated Ecclesiastes 4:12,


"And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken," into our unity ceremony.


It seemed only right to give tribute to this powerful verse encouraging newlyweds to remember to strengthen their marriage they should pull God into their daily lives. 

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